American Staffy puppies were born on the 17th of June. They will be ready for their forever homes at 8weeks of age or older ( 12th august ). We have 2 females and 6 males who will all come vet checked, microchipped, 1st vaccination, and wormed every 2 weeks from birth.
Both mum and dad are well-natured dogs and very social and extremely good with kids. Meet and greet with both dogs and puppies.
Puppies are nearly 4 weeks old so I will post more photos as they grow or can send more on request.
Registered breeder with QLD government BIN0009563082473
RPBA breeder member number 6567
Dogs have access to: N/A
Dogs have enrichment provisions: N/A
Dogs are exposed to: N/A
Offers lifetime rehoming: N/A