Gorgeous Toy and Miniature Toy Cavoodle puppies for sale.I currently have 2 litters. All litters a second generation Cavoodles. Each litter was fathered by a cream Cavoodle which I flew up from Sydney due to using him previously and the good healthy puppies I have had.
First litter born on 15/11/19 mother is a white Cavoodle and we have 2 males - Blenheim and light brown. 1 female cream.
Second litter born 18/11/19. Mother is cream golden brown. We have 2 males both cream and 2 females 1 black and 1 ruby.
parents have been DNA tested for breed as well as All dogs grand parents have been genetic DNA tested. We are selling the toy Cavoodles for $2500.
All our puppies have been wormed at 2,4,6 and again at 8 weeks. They all have been vaccinated, microchipped and had their vaccination at 7 weeks.
All our puppies have been raised in the family home with other pets such as dogs, cats and birds. We have 2 children who have the puppies have been brought up with to ensure they are well socialised.Additionally all puppies come with a puppy pack which helps them settle into their forever home.
We recommend and prefer and welcome anyone interested in our puppies to come and view puppies, and meet the mother.We are registered breeder with AAPDB
Dogs have access to: N/A
Dogs have enrichment provisions: N/A
Dogs are exposed to: N/A
Offers lifetime rehoming: N/A