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PUREBRED Jack Russell Puppues
PUREBRED Jack Russell Puppues
PUREBRED Jack Russell Puppues
PUREBRED Jack Russell Puppues
PUREBRED Jack Russell Puppues
PUREBRED Jack Russell Puppues
PUREBRED Jack Russell Puppues
PUREBRED Jack Russell Puppues
9 images
Found a home

Posted 1y ago

PUREBRED Jack Russell Puppues

8 week old purebred Jack Russell puppies.
1 female
4 males
Indicated with blue or pink in the photos.
Socialised well with other dogs, our 4 children and visiting guests. Very friendly and loving companions.
Mother has rough coat, father has a broken coat.
Raised inside over winter and transitioned outside in the warmer weather.

Dogs have access to: warm bedding, water at all times, ample space to exercise, natural light

Dogs have enrichment provisions: Yes

Dogs are exposed to: people with different appearances or ages, different sounds

Offers lifetime rehoming: Yes

Erin Jones

Erin Jones

Coonamble NSW 2829, Australia
**** *** 2337

Safety Tips For New Owners

  1. Always meet in person
  2. Check all documents before you commit
  3. Ask if they are a registered breeder
  4. Be loyal & patient with your new companion
PetsForHomes Buyers Guide

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