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8 Common Indoor Plants That Are Toxic to Dogs

8 Common Indoor Plants That Are Toxic to Dogs

When it comes to decorating your home, plants can be a great way to add colour, texture and even some fresh air to your living space. But if you have pets, it’s important to know which common indoor plants are toxic so you can keep them safe. If you’re looking for small dogs for sale, you may need to consider the plants you already own since puppies are adventurous and curious about their environment. 

We’ll take a look at some very common indoor plants that can be harmful to your furry companions. 

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8 Common Indoor Plants That Are Toxic to Dogs

Philodendron (Heartleaf Philodendron) 

The philodendron is a popular houseplant due its ability to tolerate low light conditions and its easy care requirements. However, its sap contains calcium oxalates which can irritate skin and eyes if touched or ingested by pets or humans alike. Eating large amounts may also lead to drooling, difficulty swallowing or breathing as well as vomiting and diarrhoea in more serious cases. Therefore, it is best kept out of reach from curious pets who may try nibbling on them while exploring their surroundings. 

Dieffenbachia (Dumb Cane) 

The large and showy dieffenbachia is a popular decoration for the home or office due to its attractive foliage. However, It contains oxalate crystals which can irritate the mouth and tongue if chewed or bitten into by dogs. Ingestion may also result in burning or swelling of the mouth and tongue as well as difficulty in swallowing, vomiting, and increased salivation. More serious cases can involve diarrhoea and may be fatal. If your dog shows any signs of poisoning from eating this plant seek medical attention right away for proper treatment. 

English Ivy

Hedera Helix, more commonly known as English Ivy, is a fast growing evergreen vine often used for ground cover outdoors but is also commonly grown indoors for ornamental purposes. Unfortunately, it contains sapogenin as well as polyacetylene compounds that can be irritating to mucus membranes if chewed or swallowed. Try to keep this plant well out of reach, just in case your dog feels like rubbing up against it or munching on it. 


This popular flowering perennial found in gardens across the world has become increasingly popular indoors too, thanks to their bright cheerful flower heads. However, Mums contain pyrethrins – insecticides found naturally within their flowers – which when consumed by animals can cause mild gastrointestinal upset. While it would take a lot of the flowers to cause serious issues for most dogs, any dog owner knows that sometimes dogs will simply munch and munch without stopping. 


The oleander shrub – although beautiful with its sweet scented blooms – is extremely toxic for animals (and humans!) when ingested due to the presence of cardenolides, a type of steroid found in its leaves and stems which can lead to fatal heart arrhythmias if eaten by pets. Symptoms may also include drooling or foaming at the mouth, difficulty breathing and elevated heart rate, as well as nausea or vomiting in milder cases. Never let your pet eat any part of an oleander! 

Lily Plants

Many varieties of lilies (including peace lily, stargazer lily, tiger lily and Easter lily) are highly toxic to dogs and cats. Most cat owners will already know that even the smallest amount can cause kidney failure in cats if ingested. For dogs, ingestion of these flowers can cause vomiting, diarrhoea and even death in severe cases. If you own a dog that likes to chew on plants, it’s best to avoid keeping lilies in your home altogether.

ZZ Plant

ZZ Plants (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) are beautiful, low maintenance houseplants that are becoming increasingly popular due to their lush, glossy green foliage and a unique appearance that make them a great addition to any home or office space. However, if ingested by dogs, it can cause intense burning and irritation to the mouth and throat as well as nausea, vomiting, and difficulty swallowing. In severe cases of ingestion, it can even lead to respiratory failure due to airway obstruction.

Sago Palm

The sago palm is an evergreen shrub native to subtropical regions around the world. It is often grown indoors as an ornamental plant due to its attractive foliage and unique cone-like seed heads. Unfortunately, all parts of this plant are highly toxic to both cats and dogs if ingested, containing substances known as cycasin and BMAA which can cause severe liver damage in animals. Signs of toxicity include vomiting, diarrhoea, loss of appetite, weakness, and depression. If you suspect that your pet has eaten any part of this plant it is important to seek veterinary care immediately. 


These eight common indoor plants are all potentially dangerous for pets if ingested so it’s important to keep them out of reach of curious noses. There are many other types of houseplants that may also be toxic so always research before bringing any new ones into your home. While it’s not impossible to keep houseplants when you have a pet, it does require a little bit more effort on your part. It’s worth it for many pet owners who love both plants and their pets. 

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