Advertising Terms
All information posted on the PetsforHomes website (the Website) which are provided by Responsible Pty Ltd (A.B.N.74 656 209 086) (the Publisher) for the Advertisement of domestic animals, are subject to and governed by these terms and conditions (these Terms).
1.1 These Terms govern all advertising material (the Advertisements) provided to the Publisher by an advertiser (you or the Advertiser).
1.2 The Publisher reserves the right to, at any time and at the Publisher’s sole discretion, amend, revise, or modify these Terms. You are responsible for periodically reviewing these Terms. You agree to be bound by such changes, modifications or revisions as made by us from time to time. The Advertiser should revisit the terms and conditions before it creates each new Advertisement to be displayed on the Website.
1.3 These Terms supersede any terms that have previously been supplied by the Publisher.
2.1 In these conditions:
3.1 Any party posting an Advertisement via the Registered Account of another party shall do so as an agent at law. The Advertiser shall, at all times, have full liability for all obligations of both themselves and their agents.
4.1 The Publisher may change the format of the Website at any time and may vary or apply differing rates and specifications accordingly.
4.2 The Publisher gives no warranty or guarantee in relation to:
In the event of any problem arising in relation to the foregoing, the Advertiser accepts that the Publisher shall not be obliged to give any compensation or refunds in such instances.
4.3 The Publisher reserves the right to remove any Advertisement, or terminate any Registered Account.
4.4 The Publisher may show and/or display the Advertisement for internal purposes and for marketing its services to other prospective Advertisers, including in any public relations materials and direct marketing materials.
4.5 The Publisher owes no duty to the Advertiser to review, approve or amend any advertisement and no review, approval or amendment by the Publisher will affect the Advertisers responsibility for the content of the advertisement.
5.1 The Publisher imposes various specifications on Advertisements, including:
5.2 The Publisher encourages the animals to be vet-checked and de-sexed before posting an Advertisement.
5.3 It is the Advertiser’s responsibility to determine the relevant specifications for each Advertisement, as specifications may be changed at any time by the Publisher. Advertisements that do not comply with the specifications listed above, may be removed without notice.
5.4 It is the responsibility of the Advertiser to rectify any error in the Advertisements, immediately after they become aware of the error. The Publisher accepts no responsibility for any error the Advertisement contains, nor any loss relating to that error.
5.5 If an Advertisement is reported to the Publisher for promoting uncontrolled or irresponsible commercial pet trading, including for the use in fighting or animal testing, the Publisher reserves the right to remove the Advertisement and terminate the Registered Account.
6.1 It is the responsibility of the Advertiser to remove their Advertisements from the Website if the goods are no longer available, or have been sold. Failure to do so could result in the termination of the Registered Account.
6.2 The Advertiser shall remain liable for the Advertisement while it is still accessible on the Website by other users.
7.1 The Advertiser may pay to have their Advertisement featured on the Website. The Advertiser will need to either upgrade their original Advertisement or create a new Featured Advertisement via the Website to have their Advertisement featured. All payment rates for creation of a Featured Advertisement are displayed on the Website and are at the discretion of the Publisher.
7.2 All quoted Featured Advertisement costs are inclusive of GST.
7.3 Payment for a Featured Advertisement is to be made through PayPal in accordance with our Registration Terms.
8.1 The Advertiser warrants and represents to the Publisher that:
8.2 The Advertiser warrants that it will only use the advertising space, which it acquires to advertise its own goods and may not sell or otherwise deal with that advertising space.
8.3 The Advertiser warrants that the Advertisement complies with all relevant laws and regulations and that its publication in accordance with these Terms will not give rise to any claims against or liabilities of the Publisher, its directors, employees or agents.
9.1 The Advertiser indemnifies the Publisher its directors, employees and agents against all claims, demands, proceedings, costs, expenses, damages awards, judgments and any other liability whatsoever arising wholly or partially, directly or indirectly, from or in connection with the publication of the Advertisement, as a consequence of any breach or non-performance by the Advertiser of any of the representations or warranties contained in these Terms, except to the extent caused by the Publisher
10.1 By uploading an Advertisement to the Website, you grant the Publisher a worldwide non-exclusive, sub-licensable, royalty-free licence to:
10.2 The Publisher may, in its sole discretion, use the Advertisement for any period of time, beyond your removal of the Advertisement from the Website.
11.1 You are solely responsible for all content relating to an Advertisement, which you have uploaded to the Website, and for any consequence of the Advertisement.
11.2 You agree that you will not upload an Advertisement that:
The Publisher reserves the right to remove from the Website, any Advertisement for any reason whatsoever. The removal of an Advertisement from the Website may occur without any liability to the Publisher.
12. Restrictions on Automated Data Extraction
12.1 The use of automated tools or methods, including but not limited to scraping, crawling, data mining, or any similar practices, to extract content or data from this website is strictly forbidden. This applies to bots, spiders, or any other automated software unless explicitly authorised in writing by us. Any breach of this policy may result in legal action, and offenders may be held responsible for all associated damages and enforcement expenses.
13.1 The Publisher reserves the right to immediately terminate these Terms if you are in breach of them in any way. Such termination may occur at the Publisher’s sole discretion and without notice to you. If we do decide to terminate these Terms, you agree to hold the Publisher harmless.
14.1 The laws of the state of New South Wales, Australia govern this Agreement.
Advertising terms last updated on 5 October 2023.