We have
5 beautiful
french bulldog puppies
ready for theirs new loving family home.
3 females and 2 males available Mum is our lovely family pet LOLA .She
is very beautiful with a lovely temperament and is great with children’s and another dogs.
Dad full mearl , good looking and it’s from Stud. The puppies can be seen with the mother .The puppies are very playful , nice body structure, blue eyes and very healthy.
Ready to leave now and they are fully vaccinated,microchiping and worming up to date .
Female 1 -$2300
Female 2-$2300
Female 3-$2300
Male 1-$2100
Male 2-$2100
When we entrust our babies to their new owners, we ensure we have selected a loving home where the new owner knows and acknowledges, that we will always be there for any questions or advice. We love receiving ongoing pictures and updates on how your puppy is maturing.
(Dogs SA No: 5100033672.
DACO No: 158303)
Dogs have access to: N/A
Dogs have enrichment provisions: N/A
Dogs are exposed to: N/A
Offers lifetime rehoming: N/A