RPBA 7595 We have a litter of pups born 8th of September. Will be ready to go home November 3rd.
The previous 2 litters have made lovely active pets and hobby working dogs. Pups tend to be late maturers so will not be sold as working dogs unless this is ok.
5 girls - 3 tricolour, 1 blue and white, 1 fawn and white
4 boys - 2 blue and white, 2 TRI colour.
Pups are not full kelpie - dad is full, mum is 1/8 collie 7/8 kelpie. Pups will come fully wormed, vet checked, microchipped and vaccinated. Pups are raised in a family environment on a property and will be well socialised with other dogs on property and children. Please contact for more info if you are interested!
Dogs have access to: N/A
Dogs have enrichment provisions: N/A
Dogs are exposed to: N/A
Offers lifetime rehoming: N/A