Pure breed Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppies will be available at 8 weeks old ( 8.01.2022). They were born on 12 of November.
One blenhiem boy - 6500 $
One ruby girl - 7000$
Deposit 500$.
They are 1st litter of 3 puppies from our precious blenhiem girl and handsome ruby boy (both parents DNA tested)
They will be wormed at 2, 4 ,6 and 8 weeks.
And will come to their new home vaccinated and microchiped. You will be provided with the number of microchip when they will be 6 weeks old.
They will be accompanied with the all necessary accessories:
Wet & dry food,
Feeding bowl,
Training pads,,
Health record book,
We will be happy to provide new owners with all the necessary support information and assist at any time.
!!!!! Only RESPONSIBLE AND RELIABLE candidates will be considered!!!
Our RPBA full breeders license number 1464
Dogs have access to: N/A
Dogs have enrichment provisions: N/A
Dogs are exposed to: N/A
Offers lifetime rehoming: N/A