Registered Breeder Number: RPBA 15501
A beautiful litter of pure bred English Cocker Spainel puppies
4 boys and 4 girls born November 11th 2023. These cuties will be ready to go to their new homes from January 5th (8 weeks old)
Available to view before hand in Dalyellup WA or via FaceTime.
I own both parents, Mum is a black English Cocker Spainel (from breeder in NSW) Dad is a black English Cocker Spainel (from a breeder in QLD).
RPBA registered breeder member number: 15501
Puppies have been raised in a loving family environment.
Puppies have been vet checked regularly, wormed every 2 weeks from birth, microchipping and 1st vaccination with be done at 6 weeks.
Red Girl - black with small white dot on chest - SOLD
Green Girl - all black - SOLD
Purple Girl - black with small white mark on chin - SOLD
Orange Girl - all black - SOLD
Yellow Boy - black with small white dot on chest - SOLD
Aqua Boy - black with white marks on chin and chest - SOLD
White Boy - black with white marks on nose, chin and chest and rear feet - SOLD
Blue Boy - all black - SOLD
Dogs have access to: warm bedding, water at all times, ample space to exercise, natural light
Dogs have enrichment provisions: Yes
Dogs are exposed to: people with different appearances or ages, different sounds
Offers lifetime rehoming: Yes