Breeder Identification Number (BIN): MDBA Registered Breeder # 33048
Registered Breeder Number: MDBA 33048
Breeding Organisation Membership Number (e.g. RPBA): MDBA Registered Breeder No. 33048 - BellaNuggz French Bulldogs
Bellanuggz French Bulldogs - MDBA Registered Breeder #33048
We are registered breeders and our gorgeous12 week old babies are ready now for their forever homes. Have been toilet trained on astro puppy pee mats and are doing great with it. Our babies are raised in our home as part of our family. Each puppy comes with; Registered papers - are from 5 panel DNA clear families -have had 2 vaccinations each- microchipped - wormed - health checked.
These puppies are a beautiful representation of the breed and won't be seen at these prices again. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have about these little wonders.
Dogs have access to: warm bedding, water at all times, ample space to exercise, natural light
Dogs have enrichment provisions: Yes
Dogs are exposed to: people with different appearances or ages, different sounds
Offers lifetime rehoming: Yes