Straight back short hair german shepherd, the mother is 4 years old and father 2 and a half years old this is her 2nd litter,6males and 3 females puppies available they're due to rehome at 18th of December, they are regularly wormed and feeding them a real beef, lamb and chicken chops with extra fat twice a day since 3 weeks old plus the breastfeeding from mother and always added the best puppies formula( DI_VETELACT) to their water to guarantee they build a healthy big bones, they will be vaccinated and microchipped at the pick up date .
All females are sold
1 male sold
6 males left
Registered breeder withRPBA #8740Mylan
Call on 0402930844 or 0405442222
Dogs have access to: N/A
Dogs have enrichment provisions: N/A
Dogs are exposed to: N/A
Offers lifetime rehoming: N/A