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King Charles Cavalier Puppies
King Charles Cavalier Puppies
King Charles Cavalier Puppies
King Charles Cavalier Puppies
King Charles Cavalier Puppies
King Charles Cavalier Puppies
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For Sale

Posted 2y ago

King Charles Cavalier Puppies


We would like to announce the safe arrival of 5 King Charles Cavalier BOY puppies.


The puppies were born on the 12.02,23 and will be ready for their new homes at Easter time.


Our babies are born and are nurtured in the centre of our family home as a single litter, which means each individual puppy gets the essential attention at their crucial developmental stages, you can be assured that they have had the very best possible start at Mummas very well nourished milk bar, along with individual care, and the very best of everything for Daisy and her beautiful babies.


ENS (early neurological stimulation) forms part of the pups daily routine from 3 days old, for 2 consecutive weeks, which improves their immune systems and stress tolerances, optimising their future wellness and coping mechanisms to new happenings.


From 4 weeks of age your puppy starts to experience the ‘Rule of 7’ technique which increases your puppies exposure with positive experiences which will help your puppy flourish into a confident companion. Puppy will have had baths, been brushed, experienced the hair dryer, nail clippers, and clippers to make weekly maintenance and trips to the groomer so much easier for everyone.


Daisy (mum), is a healthy, loyal and obedient companion in our family, who just loved being pregnant and is a super attentive mum. She adores playing with children, trips to the beach and an afternoon snooze on the bed.


Bailey (dad) loves a play at the dog park, chasing the rabbits on the farm where he lives and curling up by the fire in the evening.


The puppies come wormed, health checked, vaccinated and microchipped.

RPBA Breeder Number 14296


Please contact me on 0425635254 to discuss things further.


Dogs have access to: warm bedding, water at all times, ample space to exercise, natural light

Dogs have enrichment provisions: Yes

Dogs are exposed to: people with different appearances or ages, different sounds, I use a formal socialisation program (e.g. DoGoodDoggy)

Offers lifetime rehoming: Yes



Canning Vale WA 6155, Australia
**** *** 5254

Safety Tips For New Owners

  1. Always meet in person
  2. Check all documents before you commit
  3. Ask if they are a registered breeder
  4. Be loyal & patient with your new companion
PetsForHomes Buyers Guide

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