Born: 27th April 2022, available after 23rd June 22 we only got left 1 male and 3 females looking for a forever home. These puppies will only be sold to approved buyers only and you must live on acreage.
These puppies come from 2 working guardian dogs on our property. The working dogs live with our chickens and protect them from predators. They are amazing animals to watch and are a great addition to any farm or property looking for a Livestock guardian. You need to have space for these dogs to work and they love to protect. They have beautiful temperaments and easy to handle.
The puppies were born and have been raised in the paddock near the chickens so they are bonding to farm animals at an early age. It takes time and patience to train a guardian dog and this does not happen overnight. With time and training you will be rewarded with an amazing dog. These dogs are different to a family pet and I would recommend researching first to make sure this is the puppy for you.
These puppies will be wormed, vet checked and microchipped before being sold.
I am a member of the Responsible Pet Breeders Association No: 11182 and a registered breeder on the NSW Pet Registry BIN B001092290
Please call if you would like further information.
Dogs have access to: N/A
Dogs have enrichment provisions: N/A
Dogs are exposed to: N/A
Offers lifetime rehoming: N/A