These beautiful and playful Pom x Chihua were born on the 5th of October 2022 and will be ready for their forever home from 30th November 2022. it will be 8 week old These small breeds are perfect for families looking for an indoor pet or someone looking for a long-term companion dog. They do require regular grooming as they are long haired. Both parents are long haired Pom x Chihua They have had their first vaccination and worming is completed. They are fully vet checked and microchipped. They have had lots of handling from our family and are used to people. The last photo is of both parents. One off the puppy has Blue eyes is $4,000 lt's very rare to get blue eyes Pomeranian.
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Dogs have access to: warm bedding, water at all times, ample space to exercise, natural light
Dogs have enrichment provisions: Yes
Dogs are exposed to: people with different appearances or ages, different sounds, I use a formal socialisation program (e.g. DoGoodDoggy)
Offers lifetime rehoming: Yes