11 beautiful healthy bullmastiff puppies
Bonnie (red) and Clyde (fawn) have successfully mated and produced 11 heathy babies.
5 boys 6 girls - Born 1-8-2021
These beautiful puppies will be available from 10 weeks old (10/10/2021). They will be vet checked, wormed, vaccinated and microchipped. Puppies will come with a puppy pack including some of the dry food they will be eating.
These puppies will be after the best of owners to love them. These puppies will not be sold on a first in best dressed basis. There will be certain criteria you need to be able to provide a good life for this breed of dog.
They are not small dogs and they very large and need space to move around. They also require a good food intake, so please be aware before contacting me that they aren’t a cheep to keep pet.
I am happy to travel short distances, or to meet at pick up points for transportation.
Puppies will be able to be viewed from 6 weeks of age (12/9/21)
Member of RPBA - 6956
Dogs have access to: N/A
Dogs have enrichment provisions: N/A
Dogs are exposed to: N/A
Offers lifetime rehoming: N/A