Supply Number: RB221894
Our gorgeous chocolate Toy Poodle Pup was born on the 29/08/23. He was a litter of six, with 3 black and 3 chocolate. He is ready to go to his forever family.
Polly and Teddy (the parents) came from breeders, in Newcastle and Queensland, and had multiple black siblings. Interestingly, Polly's Mum was white. They may produce a range of colors, white, black, apricot and (My favourite), chocolate.
He is loving and playful and is used to a lot of snuggles and cuddles with my children.
Polly (the mum) has a very protective, loyal personality. Teddy (the dad) is true to his name and is a big cuddly, quiet, very, very relaxed gentleman. Poodles are easy to train and very obedient. A perfect companion for an adult. They're very loyal to their master and as they don't shed hair, they can live indoors quite happily, and they won't cause allergy problems.
All puppies go to their new homes with a puppy pack.
Teddy, the dad, is also an available and experienced STUD.
Please contact Sarah on 0468313452 for any questions.
(I have all DNA and genetic testing results for Polly and Teddy.)
We will consider any decent offer, as the younger they are, the easier they will adjust to their new home.
Dogs have access to: warm bedding, water at all times, ample space to exercise, natural light
Dogs have enrichment provisions: Yes
Dogs are exposed to: people with different appearances or ages, different sounds
Offers lifetime rehoming: Yes