Only 5 purebred german shepherd puppies left for sale. Originally 10 but 4 are sold already.
Theyll be ready to be at a new home on the 19/12/21. Theyre currently 6 and a half weeks old and have just been VET checked, microchipped, wormed
All the puppies have been looked after and fed correctly with the mothers milk, dry biscuits and cooked meat which were all recommended by multiple VET doctors. Whilst the mother was pregnant and throughout the growth of the puppies she was fed with oustanding top quality food so ensure the puppies are healthy and recieving the adequate amount of everything they need. The whelping box and the area has been kept in great condition, puppies were bathed and kept inside to ensure no possibility of them getting sick from other people or animals.
If youve agreed to purchase a puppy we will be supplying you with a puppy pack which will come with instructions and food to ensure you dont have any anxiety when looking after it in terms of food and what the puppy should be having. Any other concerns you may have in the future if you need help etc, youre more than welcome to contact me at anytime.
Below is the microchip numbers for each puppy and the colour it is.
White - 95600014565239
Orange - 95600014579085
Pink - 95600014580963
Blue - 95600014579394
Yellow - 95600014572250
Purple - 95600014578759
Hot Pink - 95600014581423
Dogs have access to: N/A
Dogs have enrichment provisions: N/A
Dogs are exposed to: N/A
Offers lifetime rehoming: N/A