Red Nose Pups for Sale
8 female and 2 male red nose pups available for take home in early November.
Prices start from 3k to 10k as this line throws Albino pups from 2 separate litters and this is my last litter from my girl.
Unusual colours and known family line so demand is high! Please read this ad prior to contacting me to avoid time wasting for all parties. Only serious enquiries will be responded to.
This breed makes a great addition to any family and are bred by me only for this purpose. Parents are well trained and even tempered. They are great with children of all ages and are proven guard dogs.
They do require commitment, exercise and training as they can range from Girls 25kg upwards and Boys 30kg upwards (Dads 38kgs) at full maturity and are highly energetic.
RPBA members must follow the RPBA Code of Ethics and also state legislation ensuring Pups and mum are fed on a well balanced diet on vet recommended black hawk puppy food, supplemented with vegetables, meat, pasta and eggs.
Pups will come fully vet checked, microchipped, recieved first round of vaccinations and wormed every 2 weeks. You will be provided a suggested feeding and care plan for your pup on collection.
Photos of puppies will be provided as soon as possible to those who have made contact. These will be selected from serious enquiries who have made proper consideration including landlord, parent or partner permissions and can commit to payment in full on pick up day (8weeks).
At 6 weeks you can meet and choose your puppy. First in first choice and if you are unable to make payment at 8 weeks in full the pup will be sold to the next person in line.
Registered breeder under state requirements BIN0010022538836
And also a responsible pet breeder RPBA #7496
See website for more details
I'd also like to give those currently in lockdown Melbourne and Sydney a chance to secure a pup and interstate shipping will be at your own cost but I'm happy to facilitate in this process. I stay in contact with all my pupz n get regular updates. I also have a few girls from a previous litter who will be in heat soon so best to keep my details and ask for updates should you unfortunately have to wait.
Dogs have access to: N/A
Dogs have enrichment provisions: N/A
Dogs are exposed to: N/A
Offers lifetime rehoming: N/A