Registered Breeder Number: RPBA 15703
Our beautiful toy poodle has given birth to 5 gorgeous Ruby Red puppies , born on 2/12/23
8 weeks old and looking for their forever homes.
Ready now! 🐾
Girl 1 🩷SOLD
Girl 2 🩷SOLD
Boy 1💙SOLD
Boy 2 💙SOLD
The most placid sweet little boy, he is very loving and gentle natured.
Boy 3💙Available
Very affectionate and confident, loves to play
Our Pups are being raised in a clean, loving family environment, lots of cuddles and play time with children.
Hypoallergenic breed, non shedding, perfect for allergies.
Parents are both DNA clear 🧬
Mum is a quality pure bred red toy poodle
Dad is a quality pure bred red toy poodle
Puppies are learning how to use a pet door and will be partially toilet trained.
Pups will be vaccinated, microchipped, and wormed regularly before going to their new homes, and each be sent home a puppy care pack with all the essentials. 🩷💙
Contact to arrange a viewing
Genuine enquiries only please.
RPBA 15703
Dogs have access to: warm bedding, water at all times, ample space to exercise, natural light
Dogs have enrichment provisions: Yes
Dogs are exposed to: people with different appearances or ages, different sounds
Offers lifetime rehoming: Yes