Breeder Registration Number: 15417
Pure bred toy poodle puppies. Father is pedigree papered toy poodle weighing approximately 3kg and mum is 100% toy poodle weighing approximately 3.5kg. Father is black and mother is black and white parti poodle. 2 black girls, 1 parti black and white male, 1 apricot male and 1 phantom male. Pups will be 8 weeks old on Christmas eve. Happy to keep pups until 10 weeks and longer over Christmas and New Year if needed.
All pups are being socialised with larger dogs, cats, children and visiting humans. Beautiful thick shiny coats already. Parents are pets so the puppies are housed inside, but are taken out daily for play time. Pups will be ready from 8 weeks old and will be vaccinated, regularly wormed and microchipped prior to pickup. Pups and parents can be viewed by interested parties.
Dogs have access to: warm bedding, water at all times, ample space to exercise, natural light
Dogs have enrichment provisions: Yes
Dogs are exposed to: people with different appearances or ages, different sounds
Offers lifetime rehoming: Yes