These gorgeous 9 Beagle puppies were born 23/9/22 and will be ready for their new loving family homes 20th/21st November. These male puppies will come microchipped, vaccinated, wormed and will have a full veterinary check complete with their own puppy health passport and puppy pack. Beagles are a great family pet. They are sociable, loving, affectionate and amazing with children, adults and other pets. They are an ideal for any living type whether in city or in rural areas, they can be indoor or and outdoor pet. Their parents Vinn and Lulu are much loved pets, they both have the best temperament. Loving homes only. Genuine enquires only. More photos available upon request.
Dogs have access to: N/A
Dogs have enrichment provisions: N/A
Dogs are exposed to: N/A
Offers lifetime rehoming: N/A