We have 1 amazing West Highland Terrier puppy Jack ( boy) (4SOLD),ready to go to their loving caring forever homes from the 17th September 2022...Both mom Bell and Dad Tin are West Highland Terriers , They both living in our loving and caring home, they both sleep on our bed and they're such a pleasure to have , always around you and they both know the mannerism of the household, they do like to go for walks and love to play with a tennis ball. Our pups are born into a friendly house warming environment, very playfull fun loving and pleasant by nature .All puppies will have a starter pack, including bed with mom sent, dry Optimum food for 2 days , toys, Drontal All wormer and folder with all paper work and puppy information.956000015929053, 956000015930409, 956000015928701, , 956000015927451Source NumberMB191551
Dogs have access to: warm bedding, water at all times, ample space to exercise, natural light
Dogs have enrichment provisions: Yes
Dogs are exposed to: people with different appearances or ages, different sounds, I use a formal socialisation program (e.g. DoGoodDoggy)
Offers lifetime rehoming: Yes