We have 2x Male and 1x Female westies puppies still available from a litter of 5 born on the 12/05/22
Our beautiful puppies are now 12 weeks old and ready to find their forever homes. Westie pups have been worms from 4 weeks old every 2 weeks. Microchips, first and second vaccinations completed with full vet checks cleared.
Westies have been in our lives for the last 8 years, their temperaments and loyalty make them a great addition to any family.
Each of the puppies now have individual personalities. We have been learning crate, potty and basic obedience training to make transitions easier.
Viewing of pups and parents welcomed.
For more details please contact us.
Dogs have access to: N/A
Dogs have enrichment provisions: N/A
Dogs are exposed to: N/A
Offers lifetime rehoming: N/A