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Australia's Number 1
Free Pets Marketplace

Connect with responsible
breeders & rescues nationwide

Buyer Safety

We aim to reduce the amount of scams online by providing a breeder review platform.

KYC Verification

We offer ID verification to ad posters to help you know that they are who they say they are.

Registered Breeders / Rescues

Only registered breeders with lifetime rehoming plans or ethical rescues are able to post pets online.

No Puppy Mills

We have zero tolerance for puppy mills and farms, and only support responsible breeding and rescues.

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We focus on breeder accountability

We want to provide pet lovers a safe community in finding their forever fur friend. You’ll find reviews from real people – satisfied or not! Review your breeder here.
“Great thank you so much Sharon, two beautiful puppies.”

Anonymous reviewed Sharon, NSW

Jessica Barrington
“Jessica is caring and lovely, her pups are amazing, all so tiny and I am soo happy I found her!”

Anonymous reviewed Jessica Barrington, Central Coast, NSW

“If you are looking for a genuine, experienced, and exceptional breeder, I cannot recommend Kelly from Furever Furbabies enough!”

Anonymous reviewed Tamara, Gimpy, NSW

Zoe Cherry
“Our pup arrived in great condition and was obviously well cared for and loved.”

Anonymous reviewed Zoe Cherry, NSW

What We Stand For

Breeder Integrity

We expect all of our breeders to offer lifetime rehoming to ensure that no animal ends up in pounds or rescues.

Safe & Secure

We individually check every IP address and block all scams & reported scammers.


We encourage you to review your breeder and share any online scams within our breeder review section.

Breeder Support

We have teamed up with RPBA to provide benefits to support ethical breeders.

Breeder Verification

We provide breeder verification.

Support Local

We are Australian owned & operated unlike many others.

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