Breeder Registration Number: BIN0008794947075
Registered Breeder Number: RPBA 12835
Queensland Breeder identification number: BIN0008794947075
RPBA 12835
We have 3 Red & Golden Cream Spoodles remaining , looking for their forever home. They are 13 weeks old and are ready to go now.
1 Golden Cream Girl , Kendra
2 Red Boys, King & Kobe
Mom is our gorgeous cream spoodle Ruby and Dad is a Red Poodle stud; breeding this way ensures that our puppies are hypoallergenic with a non-shedding coat. In addition, both Parents have been DNA tested through Orivet and puppies will not be affected by genetic diseases.
All our puppies and the mother are dewormed every two weeks ( 2,4,6,8) and will come to their new homes vet checked, microchipped, flee treated and double vaccinated (1st & 2nd Vaccination). Also, all puppies will be given a puppy pack that includes their puppy ID and essentials such as a pet blanket, Toys , puppy pads, grooming brush etc.
For More information and viewing arrangements, please contact George @ 0498831353 or Makhanani (Ivy)@ 0458865635
Dogs have access to: warm bedding, water at all times, ample space to exercise, natural light
Dogs have enrichment provisions: Yes
Dogs are exposed to: people with different appearances or ages, different sounds
Offers lifetime rehoming: Yes