Beautiful F2 Spoodles available for their forever home! 6 puppies currently 4 weeks old today! They where born on 14/1/2023. Puppies will be wormed, vaccinated & microchipped and will come with a puppy pack to help them settle into there forever homes and will be ready by 11th March. Yellow puppy- GirlOrange puppy (SOLD) - GirlPurple puppy (SOLD) GirlGreen puppy (SOLD) BoyPink puppy- Boy (SOLD) Blue puppy- Boy
Mother “Ocean”- Spoodle has a beautiful & calm temperament. She is affectionate & a wonderful companion. This is her first litter. Father “Toby”- Spoodle has a outgoing & friendly temperament & is very loving. He is great with the children & is highly intelligent. Both Dogs have been DNA tested & cleared through Orivet & certificate will be provided. These puppies have been raised with our family of two young children & are social, friendly & cared for in a loving environment. Spoodles have wonderful temperaments and are intelligent, loving and social, which makes them the best companions. They are a small to medium breed averaging from 10-12kg. All puppies are priced at: $2,500
Located in Tempe N.S.W RPBA: 14227
Dogs have access to: warm bedding, water at all times, ample space to exercise, natural light
Dogs have enrichment provisions: Yes
Dogs are exposed to: people with different appearances or ages, different sounds, I use a formal socialisation program (e.g. DoGoodDoggy)
Offers lifetime rehoming: Yes