very playful Jug puppies for sale. We only have girls left. They are 7 weeks old & will be ready for their forever homes on the 17th of September. They have been microchipped, vaccinated & vet health checked. They have been wormed every two weeks. Puppies come with a puppy pack full of goodies.
Mum Daylight is an apricot Pug & dad scrappy is a Jack Russell Terrier. Both parents have been dna tested and are dna clear. Daylight and Scrappy have had previous litters photos of the pups grown up can be provided. We can do a video call on whatsapp so you can see the puppies better.
We are a registered vet audited breeder. Our member number is 1427. Not all breeders have been vet audited you can verify a breeder here
Follow our instagram for more photos and videos.
Light Boy 953010005678259 Sold
Dark Boy 953010005678166 Sold
Orange Girl 953010005804422
Purple Girl 953010005678184
Black Girl 953010005678165
The DPI has a good puppy buying guide @
RPBA 1427
Transport can be arranged to nearly anywhere in Australia at buyers expense. We have sent Jug puppies to Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide & Perth.
If you have any questions feel free to ask me. My number is 0477280829
Dogs have access to: N/A
Dogs have enrichment provisions: N/A
Dogs are exposed to: N/A
Offers lifetime rehoming: N/A