Supply Number: MB131882
Registered Breeder Number: RPBA 15753
Age Range: 0 - 2 months
Each puppy pack will contain:
- 1 month free knose pet insurance
- 2kg advance dry puppy food
- 1x 400g advance wet puppy food
- 4kg scratch dry puppy food
- Puppy milestone card pack
- Lifetime record keeping binder folder
- Puppy teething toy pack
- Small puppy collar
- 1x puppy milk
- Responsible pet breeder puppy owner discount pack
My Facebook page PUGS PUGS PUGS has photo's of the puppies uploaded daily.
Dogs have access to: warm bedding, water at all times, ample space to exercise, natural light
Dogs have enrichment provisions: Yes
Dogs are exposed to: people with different appearances or ages, different sounds, I use a formal socialisation program (e.g. DoGoodDoggy)
Offers lifetime rehoming: Yes