We have 8 pure bred pug puppies for sale!!
4 girls and 4 boys (2 girl sold) $2200 for females and $2000 for males.
No breathing issues, reputable breeder.
Our pups are well taken care of in our family home, socialised with other pugs and children. Puppies will be wormed, vaccinated, microchipped and vet checked and sent home with you with a generous puppy pack with food, collar and lead, toy and blanket with mothers scent and more, on June 11th 2022, you may pay in full or over instalments, as long as final payments are paid before picking up puppy on June 11th.
We home both mum and dad so you can meet them when meeting your puppy.
Registered with the RPBA : 1422
Supply number crm:0271505
Micro 982126050238919
Dogs have access to: N/A
Dogs have enrichment provisions: N/A
Dogs are exposed to: N/A
Offers lifetime rehoming: N/A